I love this area so much, even it's bipolar weather! Every morning Sister Lowe and I walk outside just hoping the amount of winter gear we put on was the right kind for that day! Usually we need to turn around and add or lose something, haha. Even knowing the temperature we never know how it will actually feel outside. Sometimes it feels like it's 0 degrees when it's 20, and other times it feels like 40 degrees!
Anywho, not only does the weather keep us on our toes, but the people we teach too! Ed and Darla are a couple we've been teaching a while, but despite our constant reminders Ed hadn't started the Book of Mormon--until this week! And now he's suddenly 100 pages in! I wish I could read that fast, haha. Meanwhile Darla at our last visit realized she knows the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith is a prophet. They are both coming to church and are really progressing! I can't tell you how much I love them <3
Our main man Stacy had a really hard week. We talked with him last night about all the things that are suddenly going wrong in his life and why they might be. He identified all by himself that the devil doesn't want him on this path and is trying to stop him. I couldn't tell him how right he was! When we start doing what's right and make big changes in our lives, often something bad hits, and it's no coincidence. Sister Lowe made a great point too--that doesn't mean we should be scared of the devil! It means he's scared! I know Stacy has potential to impact the world and be a force for good to those around him.
And we are not alone. Stacy put it pretty powerfully: "There's a battle for my soul between me, God, and Satan." Even when we aren't on our own side, our loving Father in Heaven always is! That's a comfort to me :)
We read Alma 32 with Bill, which compares reading the word of God to planting a seed, and by faith letting it grow within us. He really loved the parable and realized the Book of Mormon is a good seed! He's been to church 6 times since we met him and we've really become good friends with him. He's now starting to teach us a few Native American phrases! Ahhh too many languages to learn here!
I hope you all have a wonderful week and know God is on your side fighting for you! Let him win!
Sister Fluegel 
#1 My new journal for 2018!!
#2 Sister Mayne, Christiansen and I at Zone Conference
#3 We all hit one year together!
#4 Sister Lowe and I at ZC <3
#5 We locked ourselves out of the apartment for 20 min! BURRR
#6&7 Making Weekly Planning a little more fun this week :)
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