Well good day fellow friends!
The clear sky finally decided to make an appearance the past two days, ending Sister Gillies' running theory that the sun doesn't exist in Illinois. Who knew!
This week we have been working hard on trust. The trust of our ward leaders, trust of the members, and most importantly: God's trust! We were able to meet a lot of members, do a lot of service, and spend some time finding. On Friday we decided to include in every prayer our goal to find a new investigator, and the Lord miraculously provided! The sister of an old referral we tried to meet let us come in and share the Restoration, and afterwards the referral himself and their other brother came upstairs and talked to us, agreeing to join the lesson next time! They also mentioned their youngest sister has been reading the Book of Mormon recently, so she will be there at the lesson too! We'll have a full house!
Then on Sunday we found out that she got the Book of Mormon from one of the youth in the ward who is friends with her, so she's coming with us to our next lesson this week. I was planning to work with the youth more in this area, but now I'm really excited to!
Something cool I learned about in church this week (I swear I learn something every week, it's crazy what happens when you don't play on your phone the whole time!) was that "coming unto Christ" is less about what we do, and more about what we become. "There is no metric for conversion," as one very science-y person put it, meaning there's no real way we can measure it. But there are often signs that follow it!
So to put it simply, YES we are asked to *do* things by our Father in Heaven, but it is less about the *doing* of our performances (be it reading scriptures, praying, church-going) than about the spirit in which we do them. Which makes so much sense to me, in every aspect of my life. Do I go to school to learn, or to just get it done? When I read my scriptures, how much do I actually *want* to get out of them? When I do something for someone, is my intent truly to help them?
God isn't here to change our habits. He's here to change our hearts. Let Him start!
<3 Sister Fluegel 
#1 Twinning!
#2 A member crocheted hats for us!
#3 New mission phones....
And two videos for your entertainment ;)
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