I will be headed to a new area, with a new missionary as well! So essentially the same thing is happening as did 3 months ago--I'll be walking in with her to a new area without a clue, learning as we go! The best way, in my opinion! Haha.
This week has been jam-packed of amazing things, including helping Bekah James get ready for baptism! That will be this weekend, so I'll miss the actual thing by a hair, but I'm so glad I got to join her on this part of her journey. She's an amazing person--queen of sarcasm and sass, but amazing nonetheless ;) I don't get along with her at all obviously...
Darla and Ed continue on their course to ask, seek and knock! Darla is continuing to prepare herself for February 24th, and we're talking to Ed about his own goals as well. I love them dearly, their house is a home away from home to me. Darla and Bekah came to the Relief Society's Spa Night, which included yoga, painting nails, facials, and dipping fruit in a chocolate fountain! So basically everything a girl needs in life. Bekah did Sister Lowe and I's nails really cute.
Another great happening I mentioned last week: Bill Decker is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! He's continuing on the path forward, and talked up a storm when we reviewed the first lesson again this week. I wish you all could meet this man. He lives in a town with a population of 20ish people, but he's like no one else you'll ever meet. He's moving forward on the path and doing great.
I went on exchanges this week and had fun in Edwardsville IL as well! Other highlights: we got a toaster oven from the Pittsfield sisters, Sister Lowe got sick for like the 10th time in the past 3 months and lost her voice this time, and some of the members of our ward are starting to reach out and do missionary work on their own! Woohoo!
Also this week we found out the mission is getting smart phones! No more dinosaur flip phones! So yeah, that's exciting too. Just lots of great things, as per usual. It has been sooooo good to be here in Jacksonville and help the people in this area. I am sorry to leave, but also happy to go where the Lord wants me to go! Then, like now, I will say, "Lord, it is good for us to be here." (Matt 17:4)
I love you all!
Sister Fluegel 
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