Sister Lowe and I saw miracles this week! Something my time serving has taught me is that the biggest miracles are the ones that happen within the heart, especially this week! Hence my cheesy title.
We met our new investigator Louange's husband, Tonton, who is actually even more interested than she is, and taught them the Plan of Salvation together. At the end of the lesson he asked if he could be with Louange in the celestial kingdom, which led to us talking about temples and eternal family! He decided to check out church first on his own, which he did yesterday, and then bring his family. We'll be meeting again this week as well.
Darla Logsdon successfully quit smoking for 7 days now! We are so proud of her! We asked her to pray about when to be baptized at church on Sunday, which we'll be following up on tonight. Sister Lowe and I love her and her family so much, and the ward love them a lot as well and have been so helpful!
Bekah James, a former investigator we've met with on and off again the past few months, decided to start coming back to church the past couple of weeks and told us yesterday she would like to get baptized. It came out of nowhere!
A long awaited miracle happened this week as well! Bill Decker has received all the lessons and was just waiting on an answer. He came to our District Meeting and helped us practice "How to Begin Teaching!" He has no fear, haha, I have never seen someone so comfortable roleplaying! He has been so diligent, patient, and sincere in his search for the truth. I think the faith God has really been testing is mine. Would Bill get an answer? Would it be the answer Moroni 10:3-5 promises? Is God really there, aware of us and of Bill, willing to tell him? Sister Lowe and I have been praying so long that he would!
Bill decided to follow Joseph Smith's example; he went to a secluded forest and knelt in prayer. I remember doing that myself once my fourth year at Girl's Camp, wondering if I would be heard, wondering if I would know if I was heard. I remember before I could even get out, "Heavenly Father, are you there?" I felt an overwhelming rush of love come into my heart, letting me know right away just how close he is. I'll never forget that experience.
For Bill, his question was "Is it all true?" He told us in his mind's eye he saw a beautiful skyscape, one he'd seen decades ago when he had an out-of-body experience in a motorcycle accident. Then later, looking in his Gospel Principles book we gave him, there it was! The exact same picture! As I've learned throughout my mission, there really are no such things as coincidences. God's hand is in every aspect of our lives, and he communicates to us any way and every way he can!
Well, Bill was thinking Wednesday to be baptized, but we need a little more time to throw together a program so it'll probably be this Saturday! I can't tell you how hard Sister Lowe and I laughed and cried hearing this fickle old man we love so dearly finally say "Yes," not "maybe" or "probably" or "I don't know." That might just be the biggest miracle of all!
That's all for now folks <3 Look for the little miracles this week!
Sister Fluegel 
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