Haha, often when I write in my journal, I start with "Today was a great week." Time is at once so slow and yet so fast out here. Sister Mainord only has two weeks left before she flies home! Which means this transfer is almost over, and I'll have been out in Missouri for 4 and 1/2 months! That's so crazy long for still having no idea what I'm doing!
Just kidding. I think I've got the basics down at least. This week was hard in the best way possible--we had to speed (as much as our speed ticker 'Tiwi' will let us) between appointments! Every day there seems to be more and more people to get in contact with, set up appointments with, and visit! Which I'm definitely not about to complain about. I love this work, and I love the peace and joy I feel every time I bear my testimony about Jesus Christ, his gospel, modern prophets and the Book of Mormon.
Amanda is heading to Colorado today for her new job, so last Thursday we had a great last lesson about missionary work, and she bore her testimony in the second hour of church yesterday. It was simple and beautiful to hear. I'm forever grateful to have been sent to Crystal City even just for the sake of knowing her!
But there's so much I'm learning from being here. We all are on a journey, and that involves "putting off the natural man" and following Jesus Christ. Most "natural man attributes" are understandable. We all to some degree struggle with impatience, laziness, pride, doubt, and selfishness, to name a few.
That's why the Gospel of Jesus Christ is so beautiful! Through faith, repentance, baptism, the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end, we can overcome the natural man. We instead develop "Christlike Attributes," like patience, diligence, humility, faith, and charity. Who wouldn't want that?
The way isn't easy, of course--following Jesus Christ doesn't necessarily make our lives better. But, through him we can become better *in* our lives, which is what brings us true happiness.
There is nothing I want more than for the people I love to experience that--including all of you.
Sister Fluegel 
Picture 1: We have the same creepy blue eyes;)
Picture 2: Sister Mainord holding a bearded dragon!
Picture 3: Last lesson with Amanda<3
Picture 4: Sister Mainord lost her marbles during weekly planning
Picture 5: I officially burn everything
Picture 6: Janis and us, she started reading the Book of Mormon!
Picture 7&8: Sister Mainord is a master cooker. I bow to her superior skills.
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