Sister Mayne and I keep joking we'll teach and baptize the whole town, but anything feels possible here. We just started teaching four new people in the past week, and lots more have expressed interest in learning more! Just tonight we'll be meeting with an new lady who asked if her sister could sit in and learn as well...twist my arm!
An awesome story I wanted to share was about Rochelle Green, who we met last week and taught the first lesson to on Saturday. She met with missionaries twenty years ago in Texas, but ended up losing contact after she moved! And then missionaries found her again in Arkansas, but she moved to Sikeston. And now WE found her, again!. God just won't stop pestering this woman, haha. She's seen a lot though, and despite her prayers to find the right church to join with she's wary after so many bad experiences with preachers, church members, and the like.
We had an amazing Zone Conference that really pumped Sister Mayne and I up to hone our teaching skills and work together even harder. So many little things this week strengthened my testimony that this is the Lord's work--metaphorical seas seem to part the way for Sister Mayne and I as we've been going about doing His will. I am in love with this gospel and all the joy it brings into my life. I love seeing how it can bring joy into other's lives as well!
Robbie Ison, who's been meeting with missionaries going on six months now and has been slowly progressing in the gospel, drove to church all the time a few months ago (he lives an hour away from Sikeston! our area is huge!) and on the way back one day, his car broke down! But this past week we helped him set goals and make plans to get to church and get a steady job, and miracle of miracles he found a way to get him and his family to church yesterday! We are going to fast with him soon about getting a job, and he's so excited for it. I can't believe how much this gospel can turn someone's life around if they let it--he's a huge example of that to me.
I love you all!
Sister Fluegel 
#1 I can finally (kinda) put my hair up!
#2 All this flat land reminds me of Belvidere <3
#3-5 Zone Conference!!
#6 Haha some church signs though...
#7 Robbie Ison and fam!
#8 Car selfie with bae!
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