Hello friends and family!
I feel like way too many things have happened in the short span of seven days! Times like these my brain works best in list form, so:
1. We had a mini missionary with us! This is my second time, and I enjoyed the experience just as much and I hope Sister Nebecker did too. She already knows she wants to serve a mission, its so awesome how she's already preparing for it. Sister Mayne and I learned a lot from her and we saw so many miracles happen together! Small ones like getting a whole lasagna when our fridge was empty, and big ones like our investigator Joell!
2. So Joelle, who is the mother of a recent convert in Sikeston, has had quite a few lessons with missionaries. But this time she called us out of the blue and said she really feels like this is what she wants to do and what is true. Yesterday she came to church and loved it :) She committed to praying about a date to be baptized, and we're so excited for her!
3. We had a lot of extra miles (thanks to having a ride to Zone Conference!) and got to reach out to the farther parts of our area...and ended up lost on some dirt roads, haha. It was gorgeous though. There are so many places around here so few people in the world have ever seen! I feel privileged.
4. An awesome Pioneer Day activity that the ward put on! Video blew ;)
5. Last but not least, we had a wonderful Zone Conference up in St. Louis! What I learned? My mission president puts it very succinctly:
"The act of "gaining eternal life" is an act finding. We gain eternal life as we earnestly seek after, find and discover Jesus Christ and His gospel (John 17:3; Romans 2:7; 2 Nephi 33:4; D&C 132:24). In our quest for eternal life the Lord also asks us to not focus on ourselves, but go and diligently find his lost sheep (Matthew 16:25; Luke 4:18; James 5:20; Mosiah 4:26; D&C 18:14-16; D&C 31:5) - when we do this, we are found as well.
As we "lose ourselves" in the process of finding Christ and serving others we will "find ourselves". We will discover who we really are in relation to God. We will uncover the talents that the Lord has given us. We will "find" peace to our souls (Alma 38:8).
In the act of serving God and losing ourselves--we find ourselves! I am a living witness to the truth of that. Never have I understood who I am more than now.
Love you!!
Sister Fluegel 
Too many pictures...make up your own captions ;)
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