This week my email will be short because we need to drive to St. Louis and drop Sister Mainord off at the temple for her last temple trip! Meanwhile Sister Rilling and I and some other sisters will be going to the St. Louis Arch, so that's exciting :)
Sorry I forgot to mention this week would be a Tuesday emailing for us! We Three had a crazy week full of sharing the gospel, teaching new people, getting more crazy Midwest weather, going to the Ward Memorial Picnic, and getting closer and closer as a tri-panionship. These two crazy sisters I call companions are just awesome. I can't believe my six weeks with them are almost up!
I took a lot of pictures, so hopefully that should make up for the lack of content in this email. What I will share is that one of the major things I've learned so far serving a mission is how important teaching the gospel at home is. The calling of father or mother is one of the greatest God could have ever given us. There's an AMAZING new Mormon video that talks about this in such an inspiring, unique way, I encourage you all to watch it!
Love Sister Fluegel 
Pictures 1&2: Two of my moms-away-from-home <3
Picture 3: We definitely knocked on this door ;)
Pictures 4-8:Fun times at the Ward BBQ! There was this crazy old lookout tower we braved climbing, and the view was amazing!
Pictures 9-10: We made cups to help teach the Restoration of the gospel :)
Pictures 11-the rest: The Gorgeous Midwest
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