What a week! So much has happened in so little time. We went to the St. Louis Arch, we taught a ton, we had a "mini missionary" for a few days, and Sister Mainord went home! My district's last meeting was a funeral service on her behalf with a funeral program and black balloons and everything, haha. I'm going to miss the awesome elders we've shared a district with, they're definitely homies.
Last night I also found out I'm leaving this area and getting transferred on Tuesday! Our mission president changed it up a little bit now, though, so I won't know where I'm going or who my new companion is till I show up at the meeting with my luggage. Crazy stuff.
I've also set a lot of goals these past six weeks about how I'm going to "Return and Receive," as Elder Ballard put it this past conference, and to my surprise most of the plans I made to accomplish them I can start right now on my mission. This isn't a brief interlude or a pause in my life--it's a leap forward towards who I want to become.
So of course I miss you all, but I also am more excited than ever to become more than I am. That's the blessing we're given in this life. Take advantage of it every second you can!
Love Sister Fluegel 
#1-7 At the Arch!!!
#8 We are nerds
#9 Sister Mainord and our mini missionary, Sister Larson!
#10 Us with the Robertsons--we've been teaching Irvin!
#11 Irvin and Kirsten Robertson
#12 Me with the lovely Sister Lindsey, AKA Mission Grandma!
#13 Waiting for transfers like...
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