How we find Jesus Christ depends on the person. As Amanda Lucas (soon to be Amanda Johnson!!) once said, we all come to a knowledge of the truth according to our choices and the Lord's timing. I add my own testimony, that everyone has been given unique circumstances and trials through which to live according to 1) their choices and 2) God's plan for them.
We learned this week that for Andrew, a man we've talked to over the phone for a while now but never met, that means the trial of a disapproving family. He opened up to us about growing up a Jehovah's Witness but since searching for something more--which his family is currently shunning him for. If he chooses to follow the truth he's learned through reading the Book of Mormon--that it's the word of God, and God's church is again on the earth!--they will permanently shut him out.
Trials such as his, weaknesses, burdens, addictions, and so on are in some way part of all our lives. That's not on accident. They can make life seem too hard, or unconquerable--and they would be, without Jesus Christ.
Mosiah 7:33 teaches: "But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage."
In both the Bible and the Book of Mormon the people of God fall into bondage, sometimes because of their bad choices and sometimes simply because God allowed it. Trusting in an average human's "will and pleasure" to help us wouldn't be a very comforting idea. But upon reading this verse recently I remembered what my Father in Heaven's "will and pleasure" is: "To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
When we place our trust in God, we will still face challenges and all forms of "bondage"--but we will have the comfort of knowing His purposes. And that's to bring about our lasting growth and happiness.
What an amazing, comforting message to be sharing every day! I'm truly blessed.
Sister Fluegel 
Picture #1: At the farmer's market!
Picture #2: The Sikeston area's vehicle got upgraded
Picture #3: Sister Mayne's lovely mother sent us custom-made mission T-shirts!!! So cute!
Picture #4: These guys are everywhere right now--apparently because this coming week is "Rodeo Week" here in Sikeston. Supposed to be crazy!
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