Sister Hardy grew up in Ephraim, UT and was also in the MTC with me! She loves sports and books :) We've had a crazy-packed week full of teaching, finding and moving her in! I must say it's been a busier week in Sikeston than it has been in a while, and the busier we are the happier I am!
One lesson we had was with a woman who requested a Book of Mormon off of a Facebook ad! She was super sweet, her husband though was little crazy, haha. He asked us to call a family member that was struggling and pray for her, which we promised to do, but he couldn't wait! So right in the middle of us teaching he handed me his phone which was already dialing! Haha so we stopped for a moment and prayed over the phone with his daughter-in-law, who was a little confused too. Good times.
I've been reading a Conference talk daily, and this past week there were a lot of similar themes. One, called "Whatsoever He Saith Unto You, Do It" by Elder Clayton talks about the first miracle Jesus ever performed: turning water into wine. He compares us to the servants, who Jesus commanded to fill waterpots with water and pass to others. Elder Clayton points out: Did the obedience of the servants fix the lack of wine at the party? No!
A zone leader in my last district made a similar remark about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Though he had all power, he directed his servants to "remove the stone" before he performed his miracle, "Lazarus, come forth!"
Did the servants removing the stone raise Lazarus from the dead? No!
We as followers of Jesus Christ often forget his vital role. Yes, I'm out teaching people how to come unto Christ and be perfected in Him, but I can't *make* them "come forth," much less "raise them from the dead" as Jesus can. My role is to fill the waterpot, or remove the stone. Simple but diligent acts of obedience that give others access to Christ's miraculous love.
As Nephi puts it:
"And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do. Nevertheless I went forth"
The Lord promises to direct our paths, but for him to do that, we have to walk!
Love you all <3
Sister Fluegel 
Picture 1: Sister Hardy and I!
Picture 2: driving through The Middle of Nowhere, MO <3
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