Short story before I make like a baby and head out:
We picked up a woman I've taught before in June. She hadn't been keeping commitments and kept cancelling appointments. She told us now that since we left she began reading the Book of Mormon and is currently in Jacob! She finds peace in it whenever she's depressed, stressed or angry. It was amazing to hear, and I could even see a difference in her countenance as we taught her this time.
It was a great reminder that I have little to do with someone's conversion--in the end, its the power of the Holy Spirit that they choose to let into their hearts. My role is so insignificant. And yet, I think of if we had just passed her by back when we first met her, and hadn't invited her to learn more! God trusts me so much, sometimes I think too much considering how many times I've passed someone by! A good reminder to not let that happen.
I love you all, stay awesome--and read the Book of Mormon!
Sister Fluegel 
Pictures 1-2&4: Zone Conference! Saw Sister Bustillos again finally!! She's an STL now
Picture 3: Remember Amanda who was baptized? She and Brady are getting married nest month!!!:
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