Good day!
I always forget to forewarn when P-days are on Tuesdays...oh well. Thanks for your emails yesterday! With a phone, luckily, I could read all of them in the morning and lunch, so I skipped the reading part today and could get straight to writing back! Yay!
I love what I'm doing here, and the progress we're seeing in this area! Sister Gillies is continuing to try her best and learn as quick as she can. Since the training meeting there's a lot of things we wanted to improve on. We've had a lot of fun and some great insights from discussing Adjusting to Missionary Life every day in companionship study. Lots of good tools for adjusting to anything!
This week I was sick a lot, which was frustrating! But we still accomplished a lot despite that, and stayed very busy when I was up for it. We taught a new person, a guy named Brian we met at Walmart a couple weeks ago, and have a lot of potential people to teach this week! We've worked a lot more with the members of our wards and, let me tell ya, it's hard to get coordinated but it's so worth it.
That's pretty much it, though. Just doing the missionary thing, day in and day out. I highly recommend it to a friend. Sorry for the short email, but that's all I got this enjoy some pictures!
Love you all!
Sister Fluegel