Also this week our ward has really been catching fire when it comes to missionary work! Our bishop has been stressing reaching out to others in love and friendship, active or not active, member or not a member. A member family is having us over tonight to meet and teach a young girl, their niece, and another ward member invited his coworker to hear our message!
There comes the question at one point or another from those we teach: why this church? Isn't faith in God enough? Isn't going to a church at all good enough? Isn't my life good enough?
I've come to understand the answer isn't necessarily 'No.' It's Yes, your life may be good enough--but! Heavenly Father's plan was never meant to stop there. He wants us, his literal children, to always and forever receive *more.* More guidance, more knowledge, more truth, more light, more happiness! That is what the gospel of Jesus Christ restored in its fullness blesses us with (and much more).
That is what I've been blessed with! And I receive even more joy in inviting and helping others receive the same blessings.
Love you all!
Sister Fluegel 
My camera was dead this week :( Sorry about that!!
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