Sister Hardy and I had a great time this past week. Lots of good stuff coming for the Sikeston area! Unfortunately I'll have to just hear about most of it, because more than likely this will be my last week here! Time flies when you're serving the Lord!
I've been studying about what the scriptures call a "change of heart," losing the desire to do evil but to do good continually. God cannot force us into heaven! He won't rescue us against our will! So it is our job to merely turn to him, to follow him and the path his son Jesus Christ has set for us--not to "earn our way into heaven" as some say, but to become "heavenly" so we feel comfortable there!
But of course we are tempted every day to turn away from God, if even in very small ways. I definitely experience that, and have wondered lately how the Lord can make me that I shake at even the appearance of sin, as Nephi desired!
I've learned that I am powerless to change myself on my own. Jesus Christ is the only one who can do that. As I've put my trust in Him, act in faith, and pray for a "new heart," I've seen not so much my life improve, but myself improve to handle life! And my desire to do good always has grown.
Through Jesus Christ all is possible! He is the truth that will set us free <3
Sister Fluegel 
Sister Hardy, Sister Anderson and I all hit 10 months together!
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