What a week. We kicked it off by picking up a new investigator named Macey Riley, who is ten years old and her family are less-active members. She knows the gospel is true and wants to be baptized! We're excited for her :)
We then had an amazing lesson with a woman who is friends with some of the sisters in the ward. She told us she isn't sure why she initially let us in, that it must have been the Spirit prompting her--and this week we taught the Plan of Salvation to her. The Spirit was so strong, and the light and hope that came into her eyes as she began to understand her loving Heavenly Father's plan for her was amazing to see. A reminder to me of how precious these truths are and what a privilege it is to share them!
We also have been meeting with Robbie Ison a lot lately, who knows the Book of Mormon is true and wants to change and join the church :) This week we started helping him quit smoking! We also had a great Trunk-or-Treat activity at the church where we saw a lot of familiar faces and met a lot of new faces!
In general the last week has been packed, and this week we're going to be even busier. Wish me luck!
Love you all :)
Sister Fluegel 
Pictures: Sister Hardy found her street! Brody, a boy in our ward got caught exploring our trunk, haha. I was the missionary version of Tinker Bell this year, lol. There was a cute photo area they set up that we had to take advantage of :D
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