Hello folks!
My week was in some ways very short this week, and in some ways very long. I caught the flu on Tuesday and wasn't up and at it fully till about Thursday, so I spent way too much time not able to do anything! Then Sister Bustillos and I walked through a park talking to people on Saturday, and the lake nearly touched the path. I was so confused until she explained it was raining the entire time I'd been sick! So Missouri is a little muddy and flooded right now.
Once I was feeling a little more coherent I at least got back to studies, and I've been reading the Book of Mormon lately focusing on the principles of faith, repentance, obedience, the Spirit, and enduring. There are places in the scriptures where these principles are taught, and there are stories wherein these principles are lived. As I've realized that, my scripture study has changed. It's so much easier to understand what the Lord wants me to learn from each scripture, each phrase, and I know that's one of the most powerful ways we receive answers to prayers. Prayer is the means by which we speak to Him; scripture is the means by which He will often speak to us, and teach us.
Once I was feeling a little more coherent I at least got back to studies, and I've been reading the Book of Mormon lately focusing on the principles of faith, repentance, obedience, the Spirit, and enduring. There are places in the scriptures where these principles are taught, and there are stories wherein these principles are lived. As I've realized that, my scripture study has changed. It's so much easier to understand what the Lord wants me to learn from each scripture, each phrase, and I know that's one of the most powerful ways we receive answers to prayers. Prayer is the means by which we speak to Him; scripture is the means by which He will often speak to us, and teach us.
Jacob 7 in particular was a teaching chapter for me. In it, Jacob defends the doctrine of Christ against the anti-christ Sherem. But he was only able to "confound" the man in his "much power of speech" because Jacob had first used and grown in the cycle of faith, repentance and obedience. If I wish to teach and defend it, I was reminded I need to continually be exercising my spiritual "muscles" to keep them strong. Our testimonies are only as strong as we do what we believe! My dear sister Elizabeth gave me a box full of handwritten quotes, some from the scriptures, and one really puts it so well:
"And now, if you believe all these things, see that ye do them." -Mosiah 4:10
Another cool experience was meeting with Paul Paulson, who is a convert of the church that can't come on Sundays the past two months on account of being his father's primary caretaker. His father has brain cancer and just finished radiation treatment, but it's likely he won't live for long. We asked how we could serve Paul right now, and he said, "Come. Come see me. There's nothing like being with Latter-Day Saints. You really do have that 'mormon glow,' and it brightens my day."
Despite his somewhat rugged appearance, the first time I met Paul Paulson was in passing, and I saw a light in his eyes before even knowing who he was. I told him so, and he proceeded to bear his testimony to us of how much he's changed since his baptism. He feels different, he understands different, and he has so much peace, even as his father nears death.
The gospel brings happiness, and peace. In celebration of Easter there's a message on mormon.org all about Jesus Christ, and how he is our "Prince of Peace." We're sharing it with everyone, and if any of you have yet to see it, I invite you to do so. Two minutes, filled with a simple, powerful message. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Ly9xk59Qkfc
In other news, Sister Bustillos and I are trying and failing to master the mid-air heel-click as we walk around, there was a rainbow at BreadCo, we met a turtle family, and we can now study outside!! When it's not raining, of course. Which it is today, (AND THUNDERING!! FUN!) and we were going to go to the zoo...darn.
Love you all!
Sister Fluegel 
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