I was looking for a few old photos from a year ago and saw a title from last March: "I'm Dreaming of a White...Birthday?" Well, this year the weather spared me a week or so before the March blizzards hit, lol! Good ol' Midwest.
Funny enough, I wanted to share the same message with you today that I shared last year in that very email. I said it better then I think than I can now. Easter time is full of bunnies and candy, but I hope you make it a time to draw closer to Christ.
From me, a year ago: "He definitely went on a mission, and it was much harder than mine. He was spit on, mocked, driven out, and viewed as a blasphemer. Even his disciples, who followed him, didn't really become converted during his ministry. I struggle, and then I see how he struggled, and how even the moment before he went into the garden to suffer, he prayed to the Father in his disciples' behalf. Jesus Christ is the example of a perfect missionary: bearing all things with patience and love, thinking of himself very little, having the welfare of others always on the forefront of his mind. I have put aside my self-filled life and dedicated myself to his work, and yet I still struggle to stop thinking about myself!
That's the point of being here, though, on this earth. The best way to find yourself is to first lose yourself in the service of others. Any of you who struggle with a weakness, a trial, a doubt or three--let's be honest, that's every single one of us--and find yourself unable to overcome it, I would recommend the same cure Christ does: love. The more we help others, and love one another, the better we're able to overcome. That is why love is the first great commandment--through it, all good things are made possible.
My testimony of these things has only grown this past year since. I learned this week that the word "God" derives from "good," so when I say "God is good" I'm actually making no sense, because his very name means that! Haha. The scriptures also tell us that "God is Love," and I think not enough people remember that, myself included. Luckily, the Lord is pretty good at reminding us if we'll just listen!
Speaking of listening, there's this great thing called General Conference you might have heard of. It's happening this weekend, I invite every single one of you reading this (yes that means YOU) to check it out Saturday/Sunday and just see if you don't love it ;) link: https://www.lds.org/chur ch/events/april-2018-general-c onference?lang=eng&_r=1&cid=HP _TU-13-3-2018_dPFD_fCNWS_xLIDy L1-B_
I love you all! Have a great week!
Sister Fluegel 
#1 Comp Inventory is always a blast
#2-3 What we walked out to Saturday morning
#4 The Champaign district!
#5 Winter Wonderland!
#6 Shoveling 8 o'clock at night
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