Actually, that's contradictory, because if I didn't believe that everything could happen that did, there's a good chance none of it would have!
Faith is the first principle of the teachings of Jesus Christ. He taught that with faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountains. I've never personally moved a literal mountain, but there have definitely been spiritual mountains in my life I've been able to move, or find the strength to climb. And that's only because my faith isn't in myself. If we center our trust, our hope, and our belief in Jesus Christ, He is able to step in and work the greatest miracles ever done: the ones that happen inside the heart.
Whenever you don't feel like you're spiritually growing, whether that be repenting, or getting an answer to prayer, or feeling the Spirit, or whatever it may be, go back to faith. As I have built faith in my Savior, I have become more than I ever could be alone.
There has been sooooo much success in the past week! I finally got to meet Jay, who is a man the sisters were teaching before I got here and wants to be baptized on June 9th! He is such a character. There's a family we're teaching that are SO CLOSE! And all praying about a baptism date!! They told us they can see the small but miraculous changes in themselves as they've been coming to church and reading the Book of Mormon together.
It's amazing to bear my testimony of the things I know to be true, but what's the greatest miracle to me is witnessing others gain and bear testimony that they know it too.
Thursday was our miracle day as far as finding. We set off at 10am and walked up a nice-sized hill, and it was a beautiful day! ....which wasn't good for Sister Anderson's allergies. At one point she started wheezing, and prayed someone would let us in just so she could breathe! Lo and behold, a woman let us right in not two minutes later, and we were able to share a message with her. We then visited an investigator we found last week and this time met her fiancee, who listened in too. They are really young and their baby is so cute!! We also met two other women who we were able to teach--as we were on our last street it started raining BUCKETS, but by then we all felt so positive and optimistic about everything we kept going and met Heather, who said God must have sent us to her. Wow I'm grateful for that experience--just as we finishing talking, the rain stopped.
Sadly the triple-threat tri is being split up! One of us each week will be spending time in a neighboring area, to be companions with a sister who's companion is unexpectedly going home. So I'll have a new area for one short week in a little while!
That's it for this week. Thanks for thinking of me and sending all your wonderful emails! I feel very loved <3
Sister Fluegel 
1. Miracles in the rain!
2-5. @Zoneconf
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