I had a surprising outcome for transfers this last time: I have two companions, so I'm in a tri again! Party every dayyyy! Also: I will be a sister training leader! Meaning my companions and I have sisters in other areas we are assigned to help teach, lift, and inspire. I always learn from other missionaries, so this opportunity to work with more of them at once will definitely be a learning experience for me!
I am serving in an area I've definitely heard of, it's called Rockwood 2, in the St. Louis Stake. Back in Missoura for the last time! My companion Sister Hardy and my trainer Sister Bustillos served here (love you two!!), so I'm simply following their footsteps. There is so much work to be done and not enough time to get it done!
My companion Sister Davis is from Menafie, CA. She loves cooking/baking and has a really hilarious sense of humor that I didn't expect at first.
My companion Sister Anderson is from all sorts of places, but when people ask she usually settles on Albuquerque, New Mexico. She was in my MTC district the first 3 weeks of my mission and I've served around her a ton! We've joked in the past we'd end our missions as companions....gift of prophecy?
As far as the work going on here, there's too much to tell! We're meeting with a woman named Ashley who just moved in and is friends with members of the ward, and after we helped organize her baby's nursery (SO CUTE!! I want to hold babies again!!) we taught the first lesson. She had some awesome questions, like "Why did all the miracles and visions stop when the apostles died?" that led to some great discussion.
We also met with a woman named Vikki that I've heard about from Sister Hardy, she's been investigating the church for almost a year!! It was an awesome time, we came in with a plan but ended up completely changing it, all 3 of us were impressed to talk about a completely different subject. It worked out great, and I think Vikki felt a lot better. She came to church yesterday!
Last (as far as I've met yet anyway), we were invited to the mother's day party of a family we're teaching and they hired a Mariachi (spelling?), a 3 man Spanish band! Wow that was some loud, awesome music that I didn't understand a word of! 3 definitely is a party!
And last it was great to skype with my wonderful family. I definitely am tired from the craziness of the past week, but a good kind of tired. I love you all, and I hope you have a wonderful week <3
Sister Fluegel 
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