I am thankful to be serving a mission! There were a few different times growing up I felt a desire to go, but I brushed it off. Then, when I truly started to turn to God my freshman year in college, I felt His love and His mercy--and the call to tell others about it. I went to a roommate's farewell talk, and I don't remember a single word of it except her quoting D&C 84:88. Which says, "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up."
As she read that scripture, a powerful feeling washed over me. What I had only considered before suddenly felt like the only path. It was one of the few, rare instances I ever felt the Spirit speak in words to me (though I've been blessed with a lot more since). It said, "Yes. Go."
Of course, being stubborn and human, I immediately started questioning this feeling, pulling out all my doubts and all the barriers I felt were impossible to overcome. In answer, I felt the same words come. "Go. Yes! Go!"
When I was getting trained by Sister Bustillos nearly a year later, I began questioning what to say, where to go, what to do. I questioned if my ideas were from the Spirit, or if my impressions were impressions at all! Her words echoed the Spirit: "If it is good, don't question it. Just follow it."
I remember during a very, very hard time on my mission, my mission president gave me some very simple advice I'm sure you've all heard before: "Just do it!"
None of this is to say "doing" is easy for me, then or now. I am so weak sometimes! But all these experiences have taught me a principle I don't think I'll ever forget: God is always calling us to action. There is no gospel, no plan, no hope, no atonement, without action. We cannot stand still and progress. I could not receive the blessings I have if I hadn't gone on a mission. Jesus Christ could not be our Savior unless he atoned for us. Bill Decker could not be baptized till he was found!
Sister Gillies and I took a lot of action this past week, and in acting, I think we qualified for the blessings that came. We found a woman who is ready to read the Book of Mormon and investigate the church, and be baptized if she finds it's true. A man walked into church on Sunday wanting to get baptized, already having been taught by missionaries in another state. (And recounted in perfect detail the story of Alma and Amulek escaping prison from the Book of Mormon! You can bet that was a first for me to witness!) We were also able to meet and help all the investigators we already have.
Our cup floweth over! For training Sister Gillies became the 'senior companion' last week too, and did an amazing job leading out on everything . I am really proud of her and the missionary she's become--a better one than me in many ways! Whether I leave or stay in this area, I am excited to see the work progress here more and more, and thankful for the blessings of the past 3 months.
Now on to my last transfer. Let's DO this!!
Sister Fluegel 
BECAUSE we were so busy there was no quality picture-taking time! So enjoy some silliness instead.
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