literally a lifetime.
But I'm so glad to be here. Since day one I've faced cramps,
indigestion, a fever, a throat so sore I felt like I was swallowing
knives most of the time, perfectly-timed coughing during lessons, an
ear infection scare (honestly I'm still scared), and now completely
losing my voice just in time for the temple today. I've been pumped
full of every medicine the wonderful sisters in my district could
think of, but to be honest it's been a bit miserable. And yet I'm
pretty sure compared to most in my district, I've had it easy.
Let me tell you about my companion though. Sister Mayne--or as I like
to call her, St. Mayne
the Lord has ever given me. We clicked the first day, but it hasn't
stopped there. We are both of the same attitude on so many things:
using class time wisely, teaching by the Spirit, focusing on our
purpose. We keep getting the same impressions about lessons, it's
frankly amazing. She is more assertive when it comes to the
gospel--"let's testify!" being her go-to phrase--and I'm more "find
out if it's true." We really balance each other out I think. I
love her so much, a crazy amount considering I've only known her for
less than a week. She even gets my humor most of the time. Literally
Heavenly Father blessed us with each other.
For those of you who were like me and knew little to nothing about
districts, zones, and STL's, let me break it down for you. A zone in
the MTC at least is like a really tiny branch/ward. Then about six
companionships of elders and sisters are added each week and put
together in a cclass/district. Sister Mayne and I were called on Thursday to be Sister Training Leaders (STLs) over our district sisters and the rest of the sisters in our zone. Maybe the Lord knew putting us
together would make the MTC too easy unless we also had this extra
responsibility. Sisters are struggling with why they're here, and our
whole district in general can't seem to stay on task. Rumors are
spreading, cliques are forming . . . anyway, the Lord will always test
you in ways that you didn't expect.
I want to share just shortly my thoughts on the MTC devotional
"Character of Christ." It's about Christ, of course. I think it was
the turning point for me so far, watching it on Sunday, so
the MTC at least is like a really tiny branch/ward. Then about six
companionships of elders and sisters are added each week and put
together in a cclass/district. Sister Mayne and I were called on Thursday to be Sister Training Leaders (STLs) over our district sisters and the rest of the sisters in our zone. Maybe the Lord knew putting us
together would make the MTC too easy unless we also had this extra
responsibility. Sisters are struggling with why they're here, and our
whole district in general can't seem to stay on task. Rumors are
spreading, cliques are forming . . . anyway, the Lord will always test
you in ways that you didn't expect.
I want to share just shortly my thoughts on the MTC devotional
"Character of Christ." It's about Christ, of course. I think it was
the turning point for me so far, watching it on Sunday, so
I really want to share it. Already the MTC has changed me!
Character, Elder Bednar defines, as moral qualities strongly developed, strikingly displayed, and consistently lived. Christ's character is constantly displayed by how without variation he turns outward, thinking of others, when we in our "natural man" state would turn inward and think of ourselves. He never thought of himself; in his hardest moments of pain, grief, and betrayal, he thought to heal the guard's ear, his enemy, when Peter wounded the man. It's the hardest thing anyone can do, much less do always, and not possible really if we're trying to do it by ourselves. If we want to follow Mosiah 3:19, to put off the natural man and become like a saint, we need to rely on the Atonement of Christ to emulate that character. And it will easily take the rest of our lives. Line upon line, precept on precept, here a little and there a little we will come closer to Him and living by his example.
Thank you for your emails. To end, I'll confirm another mission rumor:
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