This week has been really neat because I've had the opportunity to work with members every day, almost all day. I was able to go visit people who haven't been to church in a long time with sisters in the Relief Society and help them to feel the Spirit and want to come back to church. Many of our appointments cancelled, some because of sickness and others because of Valentine's Day, but we just went out and contacted people and shared our testimonies and it was still a very rewarding use of our time.
I've learned a lot about the meaning of repentance lately in my morning study and as I teach it to people. The Bible Dictionary describes repentance as a change of mind and a fresh view about God, oneself, and the world. It is constant improvement every day. We are all imperfect, so we all have the need to repent. I've come across some people who believe that we can do anything we want as long as we say we believe in Jesus Christ and we will be saved. But we know from the scriptures that repentance is a commandment--without it we cannot be saved, and we cannot be happy. Mosiah 5:2 says that when we have experienced a change of heart, we no longer have a disposition to do evil, but to do good continually. We desire to follow the commandments and to change. Some think that they can't change because there is too much to improve on and it would take too long. But Mosiah 4:27 tells us that we don't need to run faster than we have strength, but that we just need to be wise and diligent, that we might win the prize, which is eternal life. Step by step, little by little, that's how we improve and repent.
The Zone Leaders gave an excellent training last Thursday that inspired us to make our morning exercise more meaningful. We've started going to the church gym in the mornings and it has helped a lot to keep us focused. We went on splits a lot this week with members from the Relief Societies, and I noticed that they all have a hard time switching the conversation from small talk to lessons so I brought it up with the Stake Presidency in the meeting we had yesterday, so we might help with a training for visiting and home teachers soon in how to conduct a meaningful visit.
I was able to teach Daxton, one of our recent converts, family history the other day and he is on fire and loves it! I can see the Spirit of Elijah in him already and it just makes me so grateful that I am able to share my talents and abilities with people who benefit so much from them. I love being a missionary and a messenger of the Lord right now in Layton and am so blessed every day.
Have a great week!