A White Christmas!
The greatest gift I've ever received in my life was being called and set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This Christmas season for me is the best one I've had yet--because I have a different perspective than ever before. I see all these people rushing around and shopping and spending money, and I just feel so blessed to know what's really important. I was privileged to see the baptisms and confirmations of Jade and Avri on Saturday and it was an amazing baptism. They were so emotional and were in tears before they went into the water. Two daughters of God gave their lives to Jesus Christ this December, to show they'd follow Him forever. There's no better way to celebrate the birth of our Savior than to be a part of a baptism!
So many miracles have been happening from the video, "He is the Gift" that our church put out 2 weeks ago. We have been showing it to everyone we see, and it seriously is so powerful. On Saturday we stopped by a couple who just moved in a month ago, and they watched the video and loved it! They kept thanking us for coming and said they want to start coming back to church. We have a visit set up with them this week! Another family we are teaching; both parents are members and they have 2 little boys, were struggling with reading the Book of Mormon. The mom was at the library with her boys and as she was checking out their books, she saw a children's picture book called "My First Book of Mormon Stories" or something along those lines that someone had just returned, and asked the librarian, "Can I check that one out??" and she said, "Of course!". She started reading it to her boys and the older one became very interested in the stories and she was surprised at how much he liked it. Now they are more committed to read on their own!
Arianna who was baptized 2 weeks ago had an idea and called the Bishop asking if she could help the homeless people by doing a donation project with the ward, and she is running the show! The gift of the Holy Ghost is truly working in her already. Jade and Avri shared their testimonies in church yesterday, right after their confirmations, and made me cry of course:) We moved to the Randall's basement on Thursday, which caused me to get a giant bruise on my knee and a small but painful one on the bridge of my nose (gotta love heavy books falling on your face) and we are loving it because we have a mini kitchen to ourselves and even our own study room!! I feel so much more organized and less cramped. Our ward mission leader and his wife came by and gave us a mini Christmas tree with mini ornaments to put on it! We are so blessed.
We also had Zone Conference this week; which was a spiritually uplifting experience as always. President Hansen compared missionary work to golfing--I thought Dad would like this--and how you need to use all the clubs to get the golfball into the hole, just like you need all the different aspects of missionary work to help someone get baptized. You need the driver, chipper, putter...and all the other ones..just like you need to Find, Teach, Baptize, Retain, and Reactivate. I got to see Sister Juarez too, which was nice except I couldn't hug her because she was sick. Everyone we are teaching have been sick this week! Bronchitis, Pneumonia, the Flu, and other strange viruses, you name it they've got it. I'm so blessed I haven't gotten sick once all season so far. I really think it's that On Guard stuff my mom sent. Thanks Mom! My companion says thank you too!
Please watch the "He is the Gift" video if you haven't already. And share it on facebook/other social media sites! Share the gift of Jesus Christ with your friends and neighbors and family; by giving them a passalong card, showing them the video in your home, inviting them to come to church, or to listen to the missionaries! In Doctrine and Covenants 14:7 it says, "And, if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God."
Eternal life is truly the greatest gift you could ever give someone--it's what Jesus Christ gave to us, and what we can give to others when we share the joy we have felt. I hope all of us can have a Christmas full of service, and showing the pure love of Christ to all around us.
Love, Sister Fluegel
December 1, 2014
Happy December! It's been a slower week due to Thanksgiving and people going out of town, but the work has been hastening still with the new video called "He is the Gift" that the church just put out this week. We have pass-along cards we've been using as we talk with people on the streets and at their doors, and miracles have been happening already! We found 2 new people who want to learn from us and an older Catholic couple from Pennsylvania who all saw this video and felt the Spirit! The couple from PA had so many questions and we were able to give them a Book of Mormon, which the husband said he had just wondered the day before how he could get one, and they promised to read it and pray about it! They kept telling us we'd never convert them. Which is true--we don't convert them, the Spirit does.
I just love the people in this area and all the growth that I've been privileged to witness and be a part of. We took Arianna and her mother Vera to Temple Square and they watched the God's Plan movie. Their father/husband died last year and it really touched her and she told us right after the movie that she was going to get her husband's work done and go to the temple herself so they can be sealed. It was a special night and I will never forget it. I just love seeing the gospel and the hope&peace that the temple brings come into the lives of those I love so much. Being a missionary is the greatest blessing. I've never had so many wonderful experiences as I've had here. The areas I've served in are holy ground to me; because that's where I've discovered and felt how real the gospel is by seeing it work in other people's lives.
Love, Sister Fluegel
Pictures: Sister Loy&I at Temple Square, with Vera and Arianna, and this morning with the Sisters in our District after our 7am temple session!
November 24, 2014
"Let it Snow"
Last week was just amazing. We taught so many people and witnessed so many miracles! Arianna was baptized on Saturday and confirmed in her native language of Dutch on Sunday. She's had this different look in her countenance ever since the moment I invited her to be baptized and she said "Yes". She hasn't stopped smiling and it's been so beautiful to see her transformation as well as to see the blessings her decision has brought to her family. Her father died last year in the Netherlands and they've been ripped from their life as they knew it and came to a humble apartment in Layton Utah to live. Her mother is a member and just started coming back to church when she got here. They are now looking forward to having his work done in the temple and being sealed as a family. Christ truly does "heal the brokenhearted...and set at liberty them that are bruised." (Luke 4:18)
Missions are amazing...I can't think of a better way to build the foundation of my testimony than to study and teach the gospel every day. I've seen so many circumstances and challenges in others lives that have helped give me perspective on what's truly important. The examples of the people I meet and their faith in getting through hard things has helped me to know that I can endure whatever trials I am given and use them to grow closer to Heavenly Father and gain a better understanding in my heart of Jesus Christ's atonement.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Love, Sister Fluegel